Students in grades 3rd-8th will ALL be participating in the PRIDE binder system. This system is a simple, efficient ONE binder system to keep all school materials in ONE place. These binders will help encourage organizational skills by; having one pocket for each class; one pocket for homework and one for “keep at home.” This is an important system that will help develop good study habits around prioritizing, homework, and overall tracking of school assignments. ONE clear communication system from home to school.
This binder is a school supply, we NEED uniformity across all classrooms for the system to work to its full potential. Therefore, for grades 3-8, one heavy duty binder (see grade level supply list for specific binder size) and a set of 8 – big tab 2 pocket insertable plastic dividers is included on the student supply lists. The PRIDE binders will be assembled the first week of school. This will be a tool that students will be able to use for high school and beyond.